
The Bartlett School of Planning


BSP Research

The Bartlett School of Planning is a world-leading centre for research, impact and innovation. We are one of the UK’s major centres for research into the built environment and planning, and one of the leaders internationally in the field. 

Our research is motivated by an ambitious intellectual and practice-oriented mission and underpinned by external funding from a variety of sources.  We collaborate on projects and initiatives with governmental and civil society organisations in a range of countries and cities and have a breadth of activity that spans four key inter-disciplinary fields: governance and planning; real estate and development; sustainable infrastructure; and urban design. 

We are world-leaders in the development of broader intellectual agendas, methodologies, and techniques for the study of planning and planning systems.  We strive to generate new cross-disciplinary knowledge and insights to inform policy-making and help tackle pressing contemporary planning challenges faced by governments, communities, citizens, and business groups. 

Research Groups

City Hall London

Cities, Governance and Planning

This research group focuses on the governance of urban and regional processes and the role of planning and public policy in the mediation of space.

Housing in Canada

Cities, Real Estate and Economic Development

The aim of the group is to research the whole value chain in and by cities from policy to impact, through urban regeneration, local and regional economic development initiatives and real estate market practices.

Earth Observatory Sao Paulo

Sustainable Transport, Infrastructure & Cities

The research group focuses on delivering sustainable transformations within urban systems exploring the role of institutions, policy instruments, spatial planning, urban design and infrastructures in shaping and governing these processes.

London skyline

Urban Design

The School’s Urban Design Research Group is an internationally renowned group of academic staff and researchers with a focus on better understanding and deploying the theories, processes, practices, actors and pedagogies of urban design.

Projects & Initiatives

A shortlist of our latest work, including major research council funded studies and on-going collaborations and networks can be viewed here.

To contact Bartlett School of Planning's Director of Research, Professor Lauren Andres,  please email l.andres@ucl.ac.uk.